In our last association news 06/2020 we provided information on the approval process for the revised OT protocol 1.10. in three phases. Phases 1 and 2 are now largely complete. We would like to have discussed and celebrated such a milestone with you personally and the associated future activities of the association. However, previous and current developments require other communication formats. We cannot and do not want to wait for the overall situation to relax.
Therefore we invite you to the 3rd (virtual) association conference of OpenTelematics e.V. with a warm welcome.
When? Thursday, October 29th, 2020 | 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Where? im Web-Meeting über MS Teams >> Attend Microsoft Teams meeting
Current association status
Overview of activities in 2020
o Current members and their structure
o Annual report finances
Overview of current OT protocol 1.10
o Basics and systematics
o Overview of the interface areas (application areas)
Best practice examples
o Integration ddd. downloader via OT protocol
o Bedeka user report
Experiences, feedback suggestions
o What should the association and its members do to disseminate the protocol?
o Association communication and organization
o Acceptance of the existing means of communication
In preparation for our meeting, you are welcome to put your own points / topics on the agenda. If you are already using our protocol in practice, we would like to integrate this use case into our meeting. For pre-planning and inclusion in the agenda, we would like to ask you in both cases for prior information by e-mail to Thank you in advance for your support.
Another online meeting is also planned for November. This meeting focuses on developers and integrators who want to learn more about the content, structure and working with the OT protocol. We will also provide detailed information on this shortly.
You are interested in our work, but not yet a member of the association? Then ask here for your membership application.